
How will the trainable AI with dynamic participation change the human-AI relationship? This study employed AI growth and AI role as independent variables, people’s fulfillment, and credit attribution as dependent variables to explore the HAIC relationship and the impact on the person’s perception in the working process of AI.

AI Growth and AI Role

AI growth:

This study conceptualizes the “learning” characteristics of AI brought by generative AI and machine learning technology as “AI growth”, and operationalizes as “whether there is an improvement in the quality of the generated content in the process of HAIC”.

AI role:

Different role labels of collaborators may trigger individuals’ self-perception, collaborative performance, and cognitive heuristics. Therefore, this study introduces two roles to address the gap: AI expert and AI partner, representing different expertise and collaboration statuses.


An 2(AI expert/partner) *2(growth/non-growth) experiment was designed with 86 participants, who were asked to collaborate with an AI for 5 rounds of conversation to fulfill an argumentative writing task. Each participant was informed of the AI’s role and was told that it had been trained for writing numerous times and had some writing skills.

Manipulation of Growth and Role

We conducted a chatbot interface with Vue framework and Python charme. Chatbots’ backends were assessed with the ChatGPT 3.5 API to display the growth of AI. AI’s role was manipulated in the AI’s reply. In the non-growth group, we manually added them, in the growth group, we told the ChatGPT to act like the role. Role cues are “From a professional perspective, I suggest …” for the expert or, “I think if you can …, that may be better” for a partner.

                                                                        (Manipulation of Growth)

                                                                         (Experiment Photo)

What We Find

  • Collaboration with growing AI teammates can greatly enhance human personal fulfillment, promote individuals to attribute credit to themselves, and promote the establishment of directive and guided human-robot collaboration relationships.
  • When collaborating with an AI expert, the individual gives more credit to the expert; individuals take credit for themselves when collaborating with an AI partner.

  • AI’s growth is a minor deficiency with a major impact on human-AI collaboration relationships.

  • Human’s position in Human-AI collaboration is moving from a collaborator to a guider.



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